Uni Regensburg Florian Strunk

Florian Strunk
PD Dr. habil. Florian Strunk
Fakultät für Mathematik
Universität Regensburg
D-93040 Regensburg

Office:  M 219
Phone:  (+49) 941 943 2768
Sprechstunde:  nach Vereinbarung
E-Mail: florian [dot] strunk [at] ur [dot] de

I working in the group of Prof. Dr. Moritz Kerz at the Fakultät für Mathematik of the
Universität Regensburg.

Google Scholar page

Research interests

My research interests lie in the areas of Algebraic Geometry, Arithmetic Geometry and Homotopy Theory.
In particular I am interested in Algebraic K-Theory, Motivic Homotopy Theory and Derived Algebraic Geometry.

Publications and preprints
  • A Bloch-Ogus Theorem for henselian local rings in mixed characteristic (with J. Schmidt), (arXiv),
    Math. Z. 303, 82 (2023) (DOI).
  • Towards Vorst's conjecture in positive characteristic (with M. Kerz and G. Tamme), (2018) (arXiv),
    Compos. Math. 157 (2021), 1143-1171 (DOI).
  • Model topoi and motivic homotopy theory (with G. Raptis), (arXiv),
    Doc. Math. 23 (2018), 1757-1797 (DOI).
  • Algebraic K-theory and descent for blow-ups (with M. Kerz and G. Tamme), (arXiv),
    Invent. Math 211 (2018), no. 2, 523-577 (DOI).
  • Stable A1-connectivity over Dedekind schemes (with J. Schmidt), (arXiv),
    Ann. K-Theory 3 (2018), no. 2, 331-367 (DOI).
  • On the vanishing of negative homotopy K-theory (with M. Kerz), (arXiv),
    J. Pure Appl. Algebra 221 (7) (2017) 1641-1644 (DOI).
  • Motivic spherical bundles. Dissertation.
  • Two upper bounds for the Erdős-Szekeres Number with conditions,
    Discrete Comput. Geom. 49 (2013), no. 2, 183-188 (DOI).
  • Enriched simplicial presheaves and the motivic homotopy category (with P. Herrmann), (arXiv),
    J. Pure Appl. Algebra 215 (7) (2011) 1663-1668 (DOI).
Lecture notes
  • Algebraische Geometrie I (pdf)
  • Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie (pdf)
  • Mathematische und statistische Methoden für Pharmazeuten (pdf)

Exercise classes and organization

Letzte Änderung: 08.11.2023